The Norfolk Horn is a medium sized sheep, mature ewes weigh about 70kg. They are long in leg and body with narrow fore-quarters. Alert and active in character, it has a relatively fine head with a long straight profile. Both sexes are strongly horned, ideally with an open spiral, and the horns should not grow into the face or head. The fleece should be short stapled, close white wool. The wool on newborn lambs is invariably darker or mottled and this changes to white as the lamb gets older, although a limited amount of black fibres or black spots is permissible in the adult fleece. The black or dark legs and face should be free from wool. The feet should be black and the horns should not grow into the face or head
It is a hardy sheep, equally well adapted to the cold dry winters and hot summers of East Anglia. They are hardy, animals with good maternal instincts and excellent foraging abilities.
Conservation Grazing
One of the characteristics of Norfolk Horns are that they are excellent foragers with an ability to convert lower grade pasture to maintain condition and rear lambs. As a result they are well suited to conservation grazing. The breed is capable of surviving on very poor pasture and is known for walking a long way in search of grazing making the breed well suited to maintaining large sites. The breed qualifies for the Native Breeds at Risk Supplement within the Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship scheme.
Conservation Grazing on Bonemills Hollow SSSI near. Peterborough.